In form enter

In form enter

Date added: 26.12.2014
Downloads: 241
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in form enter

i 9 updated form

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This script disables the enter key from having any effect within a form.
Normally when you have a form with several text input fields, it is undesirable that the form gets submitted when the user hits ENTER in a field. Some people are ...
Different browsers have different default behaviors about what to do when the user hits enter in a form. MSIE almost always submits the form, while Netscape will ...
How to submit form on hitting ENTER; how to avoid accidental submission.
One of the limitations of HTML forms is the inability to define input fields as required. Because this is a particularly important requirement for database ...Without submit button, it is possible to submit a form on pressing enter key, this tutorial demonstrates you to do the same using jQuery. In our example, we have ...
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